60 Funny Kids Turkey Jokes for Thanksgiving

Table of Content: – 6 Fun Turkeys Facts for Kids – Turkey Books for Kids – 60 Best Turkey Jokes for Kids     - Fun Turkey Jokes    - Best Jokes about Turkeys    - Funny Turkey Jokes    - Kids Jokes about Turkeys – Easy Turkey and Thanksgiving  Activities for Kids

1. What do you call a turkey running at full speed? – Fast food. 2. What do you call it when it rains turkeys? – Fowl weather! 3. Can you season the turkey for me? – No! There’s no thyme! 4. What do turkeys give thanks for on Thanksgiving? – Vegetarians.

Kids Jokes about Turkeys

1. Why didn’t the turkey eat any food? – Because he was already stuffed. 2. What happens if there is no turkey at the Thanksgiving table? – No need to worry, we’ve already invited Uncle Bob. 3. Did you hear about the turkey who lost a fight? – He got the stuffing knocked out of him! 4. What’s the official dance of Thanksgiving? – The turkey trot.

Fun Turkey Jokes

1. Why shouldn’t you look at the turkey dressing? – Because it will make him blush. 2. Why did the cranberries turn red? – Because they saw the turkey dressing. 3. What did the turkey say before it was roasted? – Boy! I’m stuffed! 4. Why was the turkey the drummer in the band? – Because he had the drumsticks. 5. What key has legs and can’t open a door? – A turkey.

Best Jokes about Turkeys

1. What type of glass does a turkey drink from? – A gobblet. 2. Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building? – Of course! Buildings can’t jump. 3. What do you get when you cross a turkey and a banjo? – A turkey that can pluck itself! 4. Why did the turkey pack his gear, and leave the farm? – He had gotten tired of all the fowl language.

Funny Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

1. What type of glass does a turkey drink from? – A gobblet. 2. Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building? – Of course! Buildings can’t jump. 3. What do you get when you cross a turkey and a banjo? – A turkey that can pluck itself! 4. Why did the turkey pack his gear, and leave the farm? – He had gotten tired of all the fowl language.

Funny Thanksgiving Jokes for Kids

See the full list of our Thanksgiving Turkey Jokes for Kids here: https://www.liltigers.net