Our free printable Acorn Template Printable Outlines come in small, medium, and large.
They are perfect for any type of acorn and fall art and crafts and decoration projects.
Let’s dive right in and get inspired by our free acorn printables and craft ideas!s
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Here are 6 cool facts about acorns for your kids. Or did they already know?
Acorns are the fruits (a nut) of an oak tree.
They are nuts with a single seed (rarely two seeds) inside their shell.
Acorns can grow 1-6cm long and 0,8-4cm broad.
It takes the oak tree 6-24 months (depending on the species) to mature its acorns.
Many small and large animals eat acorns.
Acorns are toxic to some animals.
An acorn is the fruit of the oak tree and is considered nuts. They can grow 1-6cm long and 0-,8-4cm broad. It takes the tree 6-24 months to mature its acorns.
Many different animals, small to large, eat acorns. Birds, squirrels, mice, pigs, bears, and deer for example.
But acorns can also be dangerous for other animals. They contain tannin which is toxic to certain animals such as horses.
These and more fun facts about acorns can be found here.
Can Humans Eat Acorns?
Raw acorns are considered unsafe to eat due to their tannins. Tannin is toxic if consumed in high amounts.
However, you can remove tannins by boiling or soaking the acorns.
After the tannins are removed, acorns are perfectly edible and full of nutrients like iron and manganese.
They taste really well roasted or can be turned into flour.
To look more into those and more facts about acorns, go have a look here.
Free Acorn Template Printables
Our acorn outlines come in three sizes: small, medium, and large.
They are especially popular during autumn and when it comes to studying trees and their fruits.
We use them for all kinds of acorn art and craft or fall decoration projects.
As you can see our free acorn template printables can be used in many different ways.
They are great for crafting at home or even in your classroom or any group setting.
But before we get started with all these fun acorn craft template ideas, let’s have a look at what we will need for our acorn craft ideas.
Here is a list of supplies you will need for our templates of acorns.
Acorn Cut Out Materials
Free Printable Acorn Cut Out Templates (found below)
It is always nice to get an idea of how to use our acorn outlines or see other related activities. I hope the following acorn craft ideas will inspire you.
Therefore here are 6 Easy Acorn Crafts to keep you and your children entertained during autumn:
The easiest way of using our templates is as simple acorn coloring pages. You can easily take our large acorn outline printable and turn it into an easy acorn coloring page.
The larger the picture of an acorn, the easier smaller children can stay in the lines.
In case you have older children just use the smaller acorn printables to make it more challenging.
Another idea would be to let them draw acorn patterns on your printout.
But if you are tired of just coloring the acorns the same old plain way, you could also try salt painting.
You didn’t know? Yes, you can paint with the help of salt. Here is our full Salt Painting Guide for you.
2. Acorn Stencils
Using our acorn printouts as stencils is also an easy way to make an adorable acorn fall craft.
I recommend using the smaller or medium-sized acorn outlines to repurpose them into stencils.
Our most loved painting technique for stencils is using an old toothbrush. With the help of watercolors, you can create the most wonderful acorn artwork.
Another possibility would be to go for a walk, pick some acorns, and turn them into adorable acorn people.
I’m sure your kids would love this fall activity.
They are super cute but not difficult to make.
We always make several and my daughter is gifting them to her friends, but this craft also makes an adorable fall birthday party craft.
Photo credit: Mas &Pas
5. Tea Set out of Acorns
In this acorn tea set, tutorial red ted art shows you how to make a teapot out of your acorns.
If you have girls they would love this. They can use them at their next stuffed animal tea party or while playing with their dolls.
You could even match them with our easy Teapot Templates and craft away.
6. Acorn Mouse
Our last acorn craft idea is turning them into mice. In general, my children love to turn fall fruits into animals, do yours too?
These acorn mice are super adorable and make a cute fall window decoration in your house. What do you think?
7. Acorn Template Outline
There are many things you can turn our acorn template outlines in. The first thing I can think about is turning them into a fall card or using them as an invitation for your next autumn gathering.
Print them on thick paper and use the back for your invitation text or maybe some matching quotes.
For example, check out these adorable fall quotes.
“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” – Albert Camus
“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.” – Emily Bronte
“They tell you to turn into a new leaf and then complain about your faded color.” – Nitya Prakash
“I’ve seen a jillion miracles. They’re all around. Every green leaf is a miracle.” – Jimmy Dean
“Each leaf tells us a story. The story of its struggle. The struggle against the storms that it faces in life.” – Avijeet Das
You loved crafting with our easy acorn templates but like to learn now how to draw your own acorn? Then go check out this fun acorn art tutorial for kids.
How to Download Your Free Printable Acorn Templates Pdf
Simply sign up here for our newsletter and you will receive the link to our acorn template pdf.
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I just updated our free printable library. You can find our easy acorn printables there or check our latest newsletter for more information.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I’m happy to help!
Pin These Free Acorn Template Printables
Don’t forget to save our acorn printable template on Pinterest for later! Be sure you are following along with Lil Tigers.
Now it is your turn. How did your kids enjoy their acorn printable outlines? Which was your favorite acorn activity? Either way, let me know by leaving a comment below right now. I’d love to hear from you!
Friday 7th of June 2024
I love the acorn template!
Lil Tigers
Friday 2nd of August 2024
Thank you so much Eboni!