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Before we get started with our DIY October crafts and activities, let’s learn some fun facts about the month of October first.
Fun Month of October Facts for Kids
Here are some fun facts about the month of October for you:
- October is the 10th month of the year and has 31 days.
- It is the second Autumn month.
- The leaves of trees often begin to change their colors during this month.
- Symbols of this month are: Opal and pink tourmaline (Birthstone), calendula (flower), libra, and Scorpios (zodiac signs)
October was originally in the Roman calendar the eighth month of the year.
Its name comes from the Latin word “octo” which means eight.
Later, it became the 10th month of the year when January and February were added.
These and more facts about the month of October can be found here. Go have a look yourself!
Fall Books for Kids
As many of you know by now, every craft project or homeschool lesson comes with a list of matching book ideas on my blog.
Here is a list of adorable autumn books for your children:
October Crafts for Kids
October is around the corner and with it the beautiful fall weather and pumpkin patches.
Sadly not every day in fall is warm with blue sky. But don’t worry here are 100 Fun October Crafts for rainy fall days.
Let’s get started.
October Crafts for Toddlers
Let’s start off with our October arts and crafts for toddlers.
These fall crafts are easy enough for them to manage by themselves and will bring a lot of fun with them.
Toddler October Crafts
First, let's start off with this cute watercolor monster craft for October.
With the help of drinking straws your toddlers can create adorable monsters.
It is a super easy and fun DIY October art project.
Did you paint with the help of pencil erasers yet?
Your toddlers should give it a try.
Pprint out these spooky Halloween printables and stamp them with your pencil eraser.
Talking about stamps, you can also turn potatoes into jack o lantern stamps.
Go check out how it works here.
Making fingerprint spiders is super easy and a fun October Halloween craft.
You should try it next.
Instead of using your fingerprints to create spiders, you can also turn your handprints into an October spider craft.
Do you prefer bats? Not a problem. Use the handprints from the October project above and let them fly as bats.
Fun isn't it?
Crafting with popsicle sticks is another fun toddler activity.
Ccolor them white orange and yellow and glue them into candy corn.
It is the perfect toddler craft for October.
If you didn't like the candy corn idea from above then try this easy tissue paper candy corn project instead.
It is super easy and cute!
Instead of crafting with your handprints as in the spider or bat craft above, use your handprints and turn them with color into monsters.
Add some googly eyes and let them get spooky.
October Crafts for Preschoolers
Preschoolers can already be challenged to improve their motor skills. They will enjoy the following October craft ideas.
Preschool October Crafts
With October the spooky season begins.
Let's start of our preschool October crafts with this easy mummy craft.
Get your free printables here and use them for your preschool class.
Pumpkins are a symbol of fall.
Download these free pumpkin templates. Transfer them onto cardboard and wrap them with yarn.
It is such a great motor skill activity for your children.
Besides pumpkins, autumn is also the season of apples, apple cider, and apple cider pumpkins.
Here are some great Apple craft templates for your October projects to craft.
You might see some hedgehogs during fall. Here are 25 great craft projects with these adorable creatures.
Columbus Day is on the 10th of October.
Go check out these 20 fun Columbus day crafts for toddlers, preschoolers, and big kids.
The pumpkin template above wasn't enough for you? Then check out one of these 100+ pumpkin crafts next.
Scarecrows also make adorable October preschool crafts.
Our list includes 25 different scarecrow projects. Go check them out here.
Do you also need more apple crafts and activities? Then check out our list of easy preschool apple crafts next.
Leaves start to turn and fall from the trees. So do acorns.
Turn these easy acorn outlines into fun projects to craft in October next.
Halloween is around the corner. Time to decorate your house accordingly.
Check out these bat templates and matching bat craft ideas for you and your preschooler.
October nights can be cold. Learn here how to turn paper lunch bags into fun ghost luminaries to brighten up your fall nights right before Halloween.
Carving pumpkins is a popular October activity for young and old.
But working with cutlery is not always the safest activity for toddlers and preschoolers.
Why not try these no-carve pumpkin painting ideas instead?
They are totally toddler safe!
Instead of working with real pumpkins, you can also try one of these pumpkin art projects this October instead.
They are all super fun for sure!
Did you ever paint with salt before?
You should give it a try. It will give your October painting a fascinating 3D look.
Let's find out why leaves are changing with these October sensory activities.
Time to get inspired here.
Are you looking for a super fun Halloween Art Project for kids? This Scratch Art is the coolest! It’s a great art activity that lets them be as creative as they want to be.
Falling leaves everywhere? Well, then it’s the time of year to share craft ideas for fall using pressed leaves!
Time to turn some paper into pumpkins.
Simply follow these step-by-step origami instructions and you will get adorable paper pumpkins.
Monster time!
Recycle cardboard tubes and turn them into fun monsters.
What do you think? It is such a great idea!
This pom pom spider is also really adorable and easy to do.
All you need is a black pom pom, an orange pipe cleaner, and googly eyes.
Every spider needs a spider web.
This October craft tutorial will show you how to turn popsicle sticks into spiderwebs.
Go check it out here.
Last I want to share this printable ghost craft with you.
They are super adorable aren't they?
Did you enjoy our October arts and crafts for kids?
Then check out our matching Hello October Quotes, Columbus Day Crafts, or Hedgehog Wishes for kids.
Kindergarten October Crafts
Your child is already in Kindergarten? Then check out these October kindergarten crafts with them.
October Crafts for Kindergarten
My children started in Kindergarten how to write cursive.
This cursive monster art project helped them to stay interested.
Go check out how it works here.
Let's have a look at these great Halloween Frankenstein crafts.
They are perfect October craft projects for Kindergartner.
See the full list here.
You don't care about Frankenstein? Then try one of these 25 mummy Halloween crafts instead.
Did you already make your own Halloween card? Then it is about time!
Here are 15 easy DIY Halloween card ideas.
The matching Halloween Quotes can be found here.
Skeleton crafts are also perfect for crafting in October right before Halloween.
Get inspired by our full list here.
Noone get's around ghosts during Halloween. They are everywhere.
So jump on the ride and make some ghost crafts and let's get spooky together!
Do you like to teach your children how to sew? This Halloween seeing craft is perfect for it.
In the link below you will find your October craft step by step tutorial.
Last I wanted to share this pom pom ghost craft with you.
It is not only a fun craft but will keep your children busy shooting pom poms for hours afterward.
Check out these crazy monster crafts next. There are plenty to choose from and easy to make.
In case you are hosting a Halloween event these 15 Halloween Party Invitations are the right fit for you.
You will find everything from black cats, monsters, spiders, coffins, and many more.
Fun October Printables
Do you like to work with printables? Then check out these October printables and implement an educational lesson with your crafts for the month of October.
- Fall Bingo
- Sugar Skull Templates
- Pumpkin Sight Word Printables
- Halloween Bingo Game
- Pumpkin Life Cycle Worksheets
- Pie Phonic Game
- Addition Pumpkin Worksheets
- Pumpkin Traceable Letters
- Fall Counting Mats
Here are 5 more October crafts for you to get inspired.
Pin these 100 Fun October Crafts
Don’t forget to save these Months of October Crafts on Pinterest for later! Be sure you are following along with Lil Tigers.